Takagawa beats Go Seigen by a rule.

White: Go-Seigen, 9-dan

Black: Honinbo Shukaku[JH1] , 8-dan

Fig. 2 ( 51-98)
               75 ko, 78 ko, 81 ko, 84 ko, 87 ko, 90 ko, 93 ko, 96


Dia. 8


Dia. 9

Dia. 10

If White 1 in Dia. 10 pushing out to cut Black at '3', through '10', Black will take two White stones while White has thickness outside. Go Seigen did not like the sequence.


Dia 11


Dia. 12

4 ko at ‘a’


Dia. 12 : then the sequence through 5 can be thought of; Takagawa says this was better. Go-Seigen, on the other hand, would win the ko by any means.


Dia. 13


Fig. 2. (51-98)

Black 51: This was what Black had been thinking about; without this Black cannot have hope to go on.

Black 57: Seems to be better to play Black 1 in Dia. 8, securing the corner but through 8, White prepares to press Black by White 'a' this is preferable to White.


Black 59: Prepares to live in the  corner : Dia. 9: Black easily lives  


Black 61: Better than to live in the corner, because Black wants to have sente and he does not like to give White an easy time.


White 62: See Dia. 10.

White 72: Cannot be omitted because in Dia. 11, Black 1 ... Black 7 will make the White stones float in the Black sea.

Black 73: Might be better to take ko as in Dia. 12, then the sequence through 5 can be thought of; Takagawa says this was better. Go-Seigen, on the other hand, would win the ko by any means.

White 74: Vigorous move. White does not want to continue ko because, if so, Black will play '98' and White will suffer a defective point at 'a'.

Black 79: A bad kodate but in Dia. 13 when Black 1 instead, the sequence through 18 proves to be Black’s failure.

Dia. 14

Dia. 14: If Black 9 pushes out this side, the Black group will be safe, but White 10 compels Black to answer, so White will have sente that will give him a lead.


Dia. 15

Dia. 15: If Black. merely plays kaketsugi at Black 1, Go-Seigen says the sequence through 4 will be played.

Dia. 16

One of other alternatives of Black 79 is to play Black 1 in Dia. 16. When White takes one Black stone by White 2, then Black 3 will separate the White stone and White 4 take the Black stones. But the next Black move '5' is very good. It was very difficult to decide where the best play was.

Dia. 17

     Black 83: If Black 1 in Dia. 17 instead, then through '5' is a possibility. Then White 6, seeking a chance to play 'a'.



Next figure

 [JH1] A name for Takagawa Kaku when he had won the Honinbo title