Takagawa beats Go Seigen by a rule.

White: Go-Seigen, 9-dan

Black: Honinbo Shukaku[JH1] , 8-dan

Fig 5 (201-244)

31 connects



Fig. 5. (201-244)

Black 11: Fatal mistake. Any other move could lead Black to victory.

    Dia. 22: After 244, if Black moves at '1' there will be a ko fight but he has no more kodate and White takes ko at '21' to finish the game. Since Black can do nothing but to fill dame White does not need to continue at '21'. This is what Go-Seigen believes. However, the Go rule established some months previously says when there is ko effective by the next one move, it should be continued. So White has to connect at the point: that caused his loss by 1/2 point.


Dia. 22

9 ko at “a”, 12 ko, 14 passes, 15 ko 18 ko, 24 ko at delta


From Monthly Go Review N° 10, 1969. Oct Vol.9


Parties commentées

[JH1] A name for Takagawa Kaku when he had won the Honinbo title