(;SZ[19]PB[BATTANDIER Alain]BR[8 kyu]PW[HUBERT Thomas]WR[7 kyu]EV[Meijin SEN Groupe C]RO[4¸me]DT[1999-10-17]PC[Paris]RE[W+Resign]US[J. Hubert]KM[5.5]C[Hello, I (orionsky on IGS, 2k in real life) was asked to review this game for J. Hubert and the GTL. I'd like to point out that I commented in the manner of a 2k, that is, without pretending to know everything. However, I tryed to say something about moves I considered doubtful. If you have questions/hints/problems with this review, please mail me. Enjoy the game!];B[dp];W[pd];B[dd];W[qp]C[hm, this move is usually not good considering the black stone on the star point in the LL corner. Now the approach move at a is a perfect play for black.]L[op];B[op]C[good.];W[oq]L[lp]C[Same problem here. With the following moves, W gives B influence toward his star point stone, which gives him perfect shape on the lower side. Personally, i would prefer a pincer at a to obstruct blacks aims.];B[nq];W[pq];B[np];W[qn];B[jp]C[This sequence was good for black.];W[fc];B[jd]C[I think this is a major mistake.Usually, you play a pincer when you have a stone around a or if you need to stop white from forming a huge moyo. Neither is the case as shown in the variations, so the normal move at b is ok.]L[dj][df](;L[cf]C[White may also choose to play the double kakari at a (see variation).]W[cc](;B[dc];L[cd]C[No, W should play at a first as to take maximum advantage of this position (see variation).]W[db](;C[Difficult, personally, i would prefer the variation.]B[eb](;W[cb];B[ec];W[be];B[nc]C[Good.];W[pf];C[This seems to give up a lot. If W wants to move his lone stone, let him do so. With B's strength in the vicinity, he should have no problems teasing this group which should give B a fair result. better play variation.]B[fd](;W[cn];L[cf][fp]C[Again a difficult decision. Since B still has the forcing move at a, he can afford to take territory with b. W will not achieve much on the left.]AB[cl]PL[B];W[en];B[fp];C[Hm, its above my competence to say whether this is good. Maybe the variation shows a problem.]AW[dk]PL[W](;C[This is an exchange, B should *never* play. He strengthens W without securing territory.]B[co];C[Now B's pincer stone cannot be moved easily any more and W still has invasion points at a and b, later on he can even try to force a ko with c.]L[bp][aq][cq]W[bn];L[cf][df]C[Big move in itself. Maybe B should play the forcing exchange at a before, restricting W's potential moyo on the left. A play at b by W seems big later on.]B[qh];C[A narrow pincer at a is more forcing. W has nothing to fear on the LR.]L[qj]W[qk];B[rf];C[I always find this kind of situation difficult to handle. W should try to put pressure on the invading black stones, but this is difficult. Perhaps i would play something like the variation.]W[qe](;B[oh];W[nf];L[jc]C[Bad shape. Now W has the option to invade at a as soon as he has secured his corner group in the UR.]B[md];L[rh]C[Aji keshi (destroys possibilities). Maybe W later on wants to play at a? This move does not work any more after this exchange.]W[pi];B[ph];C[Better played without the prior exchange.]W[mh];B[oi];W[mj];B[pj];W[qj];C[Hm, B should capture. Usually its better to remove the Aji of this stone once and for all instead of trying to gain more immediatly.]B[nj];C[Maybe rather at a? With the white stone at B6, there seems to be no danger here.]L[df]W[dl];L[cf][pb]B[oe]C[Now a move at a becomes *very* important. If B wants to play in the UR, he should take the corner patiently with b. The game shows why this move was bad.];W[of];B[qf];W[od];B[ne];C[Now W is even stronger and B ends with bad shape.]W[pe];PL[B]B[me]C[Bad because of three reasons: First, it forms an empty triangle without need and second, it suggests that B assumes that he reads better than W. Never do that, your style will certainly suffer! Thirdly, it destroys a potential cutting point. There is a proverb: Don't peep where you can cut. Maybe B could have cut later in the game, but certainly W would have needed to take it into consideration with every move.];W[mf]C[Now W has no problems here.];C[a is the most important point now.]L[cf]B[qc];W[oc];B[rd];W[re];B[se];C[Ok, W has a strong overall position, so he should invade.]W[hq];C[At a seems to be more forcing and leaves the opportunity to connect (see variation).]L[gq]B[fq](;W[ho];B[fn];C[Aji keshi. Makes B strong where W wants him weak.]W[eo];B[fo];W[in];B[jn];C["Don't touch what you are attacking". B strengthens W.]W[jm];B[ip];C[Aji keshi again. This again destroys important cutting points. B probably lost within the last few moves. Now the B group on the lower side becomes weak and he cannot attack W as severly as he needs to.]W[hp];C[Overplay. B's position becomes very thin and W has no trouble saving his invading group.]B[im];W[hm];B[il];W[ep];B[eq];W[hl];B[io];W[hn];B[ik];W[hk];C[Now B has three weak groups to worry about (in the LL corner, the lower side and the center). He has lost the game in the last fight.]B[ii];C[At a would be more severe.]L[bp]W[bo];B[cq];W[gr];B[fr];W[bp];B[bq];W[lk];C[Unreasonable. B cannot hope to achieve much in attacking the W group.]B[fk];C[Aji keshi. See variation.]W[hj](;B[ij];W[fj];C[The center group seems more important.]B[ol];W[kn];B[jo];W[lm];C[Aji keshi.]B[ml];W[ll];B[jl];W[km];B[lp];C[W should rather attack the B center group.]W[nn];B[ir];C[Good!]W[jf](;B[hf];W[ig];B[hi];W[gi];B[hg];C[Maybe cut?]W[ie](;B[he];C[Probably better to cut at a. This W move is bad shape.]L[id]W[if];B[gh];W[ih];B[hh];W[id];B[jc];W[ic];B[ib];W[hb];B[jb];W[gc];B[ob];L[dg]C[Probably better at a.]W[gd];B[fe];C[Too high for this stage of the game.]W[df];B[eh];W[ci];B[fi];W[fl];B[gj];W[ej];C[At a of course. However, B should think about his eyes soon.]L[ch]B[cg];W[dg];B[ei];W[ge];B[ef];W[de];B[gf];W[fg];B[eg];W[cd];B[hd];W[hc];B[li];W[mi];B[lj];W[mk];B[kk];W[ji];B[jj];C[Should be a or b. The B group on the lower side isn't 100% alive, is it? So maybe W can even try to kill, i haven't worked it out. At least W can profit a lot here.]L[pb][nr]W[le];L[pb][nr]C[Small, B should play a or b.]B[ld];C[Big.]W[pb];B[nb];W[qb];B[rb];W[qd];B[rc];C[W should leave this as a ko threat and play a.]L[pc]W[ee];B[ed];W[fb];B[dj];W[ek];C[At a of course.]L[ff]B[cj];W[ff];B[ch];W[ck];B[bj];W[bk];B[bi];W[or];B[nr];W[ns];B[ms];W[os];B[mr];W[iq];B[jq];C[Gote. In the endgame you should play sente points like a first.]L[aq]W[fm];B[ql];W[rl];B[qm];W[rm];B[pk];W[pm];B[pl];W[ri];B[rh];W[pc];B[pn];W[po];B[om];W[on];B[rn];C[Doesn't work.]W[qo];B[ro];W[rp];B[rk];W[rj];B[sk];W[sj];B[qi];C[B had lost long before. However, it is often difficult to decide when to resign. At the point, where B had three weak groups on the board, he could already have resigned. Both players should work on their fuseki (opening) and should try not to make unnecessary moves which diminish future opportunities. W showed good fighting skill, invading at the right points with good timing. B should concentrate on his shape, as good shape often indicate key points.]W[sl])(;PL[W]AE[ie];W[hh];B[ih];W[gh];B[jg];W[if];B[kf];W[kg];B[jh];W[ke];B[lf];W[le];B[lg];W[lh];B[kh];W[mg];B[kg];C[Difficult to say what becomes of this. Probably this is a W overplay.]W[je]))())(;PL[W]AE[hj];AE[kn];W[kn];B[jo];W[ij];B[jj];C[Now B has too many cutting points.]W[hj]))(;PL[B]AE[fq];B[gq];C[W cannot jump to a since B will cut.]L[ho]W[hp];B[fn];W[hn];B[fm];W[jn];C[Maybe something like this?]B[jr]))(;PL[W]AE[qe];C[Takes one side of the corner and blocks B's development.]W[rd];B[oh];C[Now B needs both to play at a to defend territory and to take care of his invading group, which can easily be chased by W now.]L[ld]W[me]))(;N[problems?]B[dl];W[el];B[ck];W[dj];B[cj];W[di];B[ci];W[dh];C[W should be aware of this cut, although he should manage it in this situation.]B[em]))(;PL[B]AE[fd];C[Sente against the W corner.]B[cf];W[bf];C[If B gets to play a, he will have good prospects in this game.]L[ne]B[cg]))(;N[better ?]PL[B]AE[eb];B[cd];W[bb];B[bc];W[cb];C[Now the black stone on the upper side seems to block W's development on the top while B is about to build a moyo on the left hand side.]B[dh]))(;PL[W]AE[db];W[cd];B[de];W[db];B[eb];W[cb];B[ec];C[Better than the game.]W[cf]))(;N[double kakari]PL[W]AE[cc];W[cf];B[ee];W[cc];B[dc];C[possible.]W[cd]))(;AE[jd]PL[B]N[normal];B[df];W[jd]L[qi]C[Now black can invade Whites framework at a anytime.])(;AE[jd]PL[B]AB[dj]N[stone at a]C[If black had a stone on the left side (marked), he could play the narrow pincer shown next.]M[dj];B[hc];W[cc];B[cd];W[dc];B[ed];W[fb];B[ge]C[Good for black, although you have to consider that white has played one stone less.]))