From Go Review February 1972
GO IN EUROPE by Stuart Dowsey |
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The number of countries where Go is played is swelling year-by-year. Here are my impressions of the three newcomers that I. visited last year.
The Go map of Europe has always looked rather lopsided with a big gaping hole in the middle. However with the formation last year of the French Go Association, it has been filled out like a jigsaw puzzle with a key piece inserted in it. Go in France is centered in the capital of Paris although there are other groups dotted about the land, especially in Marseilles. There was no semblance of organization until 2 years ago 'but in spite of that there are now at least two players of shodan level and several more in the 1kyu to 5-kyu range. How is this possible in such a short time? Well, French Go has several natural advantages, and these are:
1) The presence of a full-time teacher. Mr. Lim, a Korean 5-dan who once trained to be a professional player, is at the Go Club every day from about 2 p.m. until 10 at night to give teaching games or advice to the many members of the club. A good theoretician, Mr. Lim has succeeded in passing on his style to his disciples, who play some of the most beautiful and balanced Go in Europe. As yet their fighting ability is weak but time and experience will tell.
2) A permanent Go club open every day of the week. The club is located in the upstairs room of the Cafe Trait d'Union, 122 Rue de Rennes, Paris 6e. There is room for about 20 games at a time and you can always order food and drink from the cafe downstairs.
3) Go sets and literature were already available when the Go boom started. There is at least one book on Go in French and the continuous supply of books in English and other European languages all helped the fledgeling Paris Go club immensely.
The membership of the club is quite varied but interest centers around the group of computer engineers, who are hard at work trying to program Go for their computer. They have joined what seems like an international army of Go and computer fans in their field and have made many contacts abroad. We look forward to the day in the near future when the European Go Congress can be held in France.
Go in Rumania is mainly played in the two cities of Timisoara and Bucarest. It first took root in Timisoara several years ago among members of the Scientific Academy under the leadership of Dr. Walter Schmidt. As a result, nearly all the Go players are chemists or connected with chemistry in some way. Timisoara is a unique city, in that the population .is made up of 4 ethnic groups: Rumanians, Hungarians, Serbians and Germans.
They came to this part of the world as immigrants during the past 200 years, and maintain their own distinctive cultures even now. The Go players are nearly all from German ( or Austrian) stock and my visit was duly reported in the Timisoara German newspapers ( see clipping) .
Maestru de GO japonez la Timisoara Amatorii de Go timisoreni au avut posibilitatea de a saluta in mijlocul lor pe maestrul Dowsey Stuart si sotia sa, Kioko, din Japonia, veniti sa cunoasca pe practicantii din localitate ai acestui stravechi joc de gindire. In urma unor partide sustinute cu jucatorii timisoreni, maestrul japonez a fost impresionat de evolutia acestora. In semn de pretuire a activitatii indelungate, el a remis presedintelui clubului timisorean si celui mai vechi jucator cite un evantai, precum si manuale si carti de specialitate. |
Our visit to Timisoara was short but very enjoyable as we were taken around by the local Go leader, Mr. Pilz Iosif. Mr. Pilz had barely met us before he whisked us off to the local hot springs for a swim in the soothing mineral waters. The next time we visit Rumania he has promised a trip to the Black Sea. Similar hospitality will surely be shown to other Go players, but take my tip, write as early as possible. Mr. Pilz' address is Timisoara III, Str. Brancoveanu 14, Rumania. Let him know well in advance when you want to come and this will help him plan your itinerary. Also if permission can be got from Bucarest, ( this takes time), you may be given the favorable status of official guest with all its implications. Rumania is a beautiful country and well worth visiting. |
Romanian newspapers reporting Mr. Dowsey's visit
Originalfacher mit der Unterschrift des Grossmeisters Iwamoto
Die Temesvarer Go-Spieler hatten die Ehre, vom Go-Meister zweiten Grades (Ni-Dan) Dowsey Stuart und seiner Frau Kioko besucbt zu werden. Dowsey war von Japan zum europ1iiscben Go-Kongress nacb England gekommen und wtinscbte nun aucb das Temesvarer Team personlich kennenzulernen, denn er batte iiber die Fern. partien und die Teilnahme bei inter1 nationalen Meisterscbaften der Temes. varer scbon gebort. Er spielte mit mehreren Temesvarer : Vertretern und analysierte dann kompetent |
den Verlauf der Partien und Niinschte unseren Go-Freunden Erfolge fge fiir die Zukunft. Ausserdem iibergab er mehrere Lehrbücher. AIs Anerkennung der langjiihrigen GoTiitigkeit iiberreichte er dem Initiator dieses geistund lehrreichen Denkspiels in Rumiinien, Dr. Ing. Walter Schmidt, und dem Priisidenten des remesvarer Go-Klubs, Ing. Josef Pilz, echte japanische Fiichet mit der Unterschrift des japanischen Go-Grossmeisters Iwamoto. |
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Our third new Go country was the neighboring socialist country of Hungary. We took the train up from Rumania through scenes of autumn harvest to the twin cities of Buda and Pest. There are probably 80 Go players allover Hungary, with the largest concentration in the captial. Their average strength is not so great but they more than make up for this in enthusiasm. The leader is Mr. Laszlo Kovacs of Budapest V, Molnar-u27, Ill, 11,Hungary. He enjoys a playing strength of about shodan and is a mathematician; He has also visited Go players in other countries such as Yugoslavia too. Unfortunately he was in Russia for a conference at the time of our visit but we were taken care of by his second-in-command Mr. Laszlo Tabori, a laconic but charming gentleman. He took us to a special meeting of the Go club, which is held in a Students Club, and I had a chance to play simultaneous games against the members and do some teaching at the same time. The Hungarians need more practice and I strongly urge people who want to travel and play Go to visit them. The hospitality is good, accommodation and food is cheap. For example, we stayed in a private house provided by the state tourist agency and had a room to ourselves which was decorated like a museum with Emperor Franz Josef furniture and a giant period piece mirror. Don't forget that Hungary is the home of goulash. An unforgettable experience awaits all those who want to travel and play Go around the world. (Next month: Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia)